The Two Faces of Dames
This is Dames having spent forty-eight hours meditating at a Buddhist retreat at a Wat in the cloud-shrouded hills a few miles from the Ancient Lanna Capital of Northern Thailand, Chiang Mai. Note the benevolent aura of calm, the sheen of near-enlightenment, the patina of hard-sought mystical knowledege...
...and here he is now. In his new (fairly gay) pants, readying himself for a night on the lash. The Karma fairy must be having a bit of a migraine over this one.
Hi Bro,
You seem to have lost some weight!
Is it the healthy diet, the hours of daily exercise, the no alcohol or have you been very ill?
Justin, Zoe, Oscar Tiger and the little one Rufus Storm.
A combination of vigorous exercise and Thai whisky have done the trick.
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