North Island fun
Dames is chuffed about something.
We'd always suspected that there was some sort of volcanic activity behind Damian.
It's all go,go,go. Up and at them in Whangamata.
Ah Dave, our trusty camper.
Damian attempts to communicate with the Kiwis. Why do you think it was that we didn't see any?
Our camping spot by the side of the road at Hahei beach. All mod cons included:boogie board as luxury sofa and beer in a glass no less.
Queen of the road. With Dave by her side, nothing could stop her.
This isn't cider.
What are you trying to do, sober me up?
Jealous? You should be. Julia gives her all for the camera at Whangamata Beach.

King Canute? King Can-nuts, more like.
It looks like Guinness, it smells like Guinness, it gets me pie-eyed like Guinness. If only it tasted like Guinness. Sigh.
Man at Millets. Dames at the world's largest hot pool. That smell is the sulphur, by the way.
More hot stuff.
Exhausting work, this backpacking. Dames takes the waters at Kerosene Creek.
Which would you rather meet on a dark night?Auckland museum.
Looks like the both of you are having too much fun (if that's possible). Looking forward to catching up with you guys "down under".
Easy life, Dave
Likewise, geezer.
Behold, we have put a link to your blog on ours. I'm getting good at this, I reckon. See you in a few weeks.
Take good care,
D and J
Congratulations , Glad you are having a good time. It's going to snow here tomo in Enfield.
Tony S
PS CAFOD needs you!
Hi Guys
Thanks for the postcard. Had a pint of real Guiness for you. Sophie sends her love and Gracie just gurgled.
Love Phil and Tracey
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