We have spent the last week travelling through Lauca National Park in the North of Chile. At altitudes of over 5000m above sea level, it has been a serious test of endurance. And gin.
Our humour has matured greatly during our travels.

And we have developed spiritually to a Zen-like state.
Sort of.
Note the classy surroundings, particularly the backdrop.
Guess what? It's a mountain. At 6500m above sea level, it makes a molehill out of Mont Blanc.
How's the pink sun burn doing matey?
Philly x
I wish I could say that we learned our lesson but I fear it will take several more goes yet and we're currently a lovely shade of lobster with extra pink mozzie bites on top. Hope you guys are all doing well.
Lots of love
Julia x
Hello Chaps. Lovin the trail so far, Mira's expecting a long tailed rabbit when you come back, just to warn you. Think you can get one through customs? Wear it as a hat maybe?
keep up the good work (sic)
Phil & Mira xxx
I refuse to sunburn anymore. By sheer effort of will. No poncey suntan lotion for me. No sir.
Captain Damian Lobster
I'm too clever to sunburn.
Ooo. Ouch. Bugger.
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