Hmm. Don't seem to be able to stick any photos in this blog yet. I shall try again in a mo.
Any way, We're off to Chile, then Peru, then San Francisco (for Christmas), then Auckland, Christchurch, Sydney-Dawin-Perth, Manilla-Hong Kong-Bangkok (take a breath), Jo-burg-Victoria Falls- CapeTown-Home. Jealous? You should be, matey.

Ooh. Look! I've managed to insert a picture. Things is lookin' up.
It's not easy going around the world, y'know. There are Things To Be Done.
One of the Things To Be Done is to let our flat. So, we have to make it look presentable when the letting agents come around. A Lick Of Paint is required. Hmm: A Lick Of Paint is a phrase what trips of the tongue readily enough, but conceals behind its three innocent sylabbles, a world of white spirit, wafer-thin dust sheets, sanding, sugar-soaping, effing and blinding, and, eventually, yer actual painting. (I had to curtail the list of horrors somewhat - it was making my headache in anticipation.)
Let's change the subject for a mo and see if we can't present you with a photo of Jules.
That's her halo, don't cha know.
Oh, she's up and about. More later.
Love and that, Dames.
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