Monday, July 09, 2007

Borneo for beginners.

Damian is known for taking his finances seriously.
Chiang Mai Airport (where there are separate facilities for the monks - what do they do there?, we wonder)

This Damian with Kenny. We were standing on a street corner, looking very much like lost tourists with a map, when this fella comes to our rescue, takes us out to lunch and gives us a free sightseeing tour of the lovely, lovely city of Kuching. People here are like that, it turns out. If you ever get the opportunity, come to
Kuching City, Sarawak, East Malaysia, Borneo.

Here they are, spoiling the view for everyone.

I have a dream, a vision of the future...

A few beers and things get hazy down at the Jambu Bar.

We went to stay in a traditional longhouse. There was a tremendous amount of drinking of the local rice wine, so the only pictures that got taken were fairly random. Here, for example, is a close-up of some black pepper corns.

And here are some peppercorns still on the tree. More rice wine, anyone?

In the jungle. Who's going for a bilharzia test on their return, then?

Lee and Tiggy. Good fun from Bristol.

This is a fella called Anan. Until last year, he was almost totally blind. He had a cataract operation - the first on an orang utan, it's thought - and now is a downright terror to the ladies. No gentleman he.


This is Gus. Discovered in a cardboard box, she's now nearly two and the similarities with a human toddler are remarkable.

Like all two year olds, Gus loves being tickled.

Unlike all two year olds, Gus can do the tree-climbing thing with ease.

Julia comtemplates her mermaid roots as we make our way across the South China Sea to Bako National Park, nr Kuching, Sarawak.

Damian, of course, is just pretending to be a pirate. Yo ho, etc.

The naughtiest boys in class.